Physiology is the study of the natural processes and functions of the body. It covers various aspects such as the function of organs, tissues, cells and molecules, and the regulation of bodily functions such as metabolism, respiration, digestion, circulation, nervous and endocrine systems. Physiology also studies how the body adapts to different environmental conditions and stress factors. Physiology is important to deepen the understanding of normal body functions, to better understand diseases and to develop treatments aimed at restoring impaired physiological processes. Physiology is included in the Rayonex Analysis and HarmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of... system (RAH) using physiology programs. They describe the frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... patterns of healthy structures. The physiology programs can be used for both energetic analysis and harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of.... For example, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be used to energetically test which physiological structures of the body are in need of harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of....